My afterlife experience

Szórádi Balázs
2 min readSep 1, 2020


Is there life after death? Science suggests no, but maybe these kinds of things are beyond what we can prove. As we are all going to die, the mystery of the afterlife is there to wonder.

The white light of the beginning of the end

One day (2011.04.17) riding home from training in the mountains, I smashed into the back of a hard breaking car. At first, I didn’t notice anything, looked at my training partner who turned white and told me I’d better sit down. After sitting down I lost consciousness.

I crashed into the back of an X3 BMW hitting the rear spoiler with my eyebrow line just below the helmet. My skull cracked open, the shattered bones and flesh were hanging over my left eye.

I felt warmth, peace, and unconditional love on a scale that I cannot express, with a white light pulling me in. I had no thought of being dead all I knew was that I have to go there that I need to be there.

Suddenly I started having glimpses of reality flashing back, voices, images all in short intervals like a blink of an eye, then slowly longer and longer. Then I realized I must have died and that I'm coming back. Strangely at first, I didn’t feel like wanting to, then when I was halfway back I started fighting to come back.

Having no physical damage other than my broken skull, taking a breath, hearing voices, opening my eye for the first time felt hard and painful compared to the previous heavenly state. Reality has slowly put its full load back on my shoulders. A few minutes later I no longer felt how unbearable life is in this existence, but the contrast is there for me to remember.

After coming back the first thing I asked was, how long have I been away? Turned out, what felt like 30 minutes on the road to heaven was no longer than 3 seconds in reality.

It's hard to decide whether I would choose to have avoided the accident or have this experience. The intensity was so overwhelming that from a distance of almost 10 years I still remember the whole thing like it was yesterday.

Even if the afterlife isn’t real, the sensations of having been there certainly are.



Szórádi Balázs

Programming in assembly, c, c++, java, javascript, typescript. Interested in 3d graphics, visual effects, demoscene, dsp, c64, cycling, climbing…